ICC Check Online : First tool accredited by CB for checking the CB test profiles !

Our ICC Check online tool is the first tool accredited by Groupement CB for the V3.1 specifications, for checking the CB test profiles. This tool can check the conformity of issuers card product for the personnalization hereafter : CB-Dual_Interface_v3.0_MChipAdvance application CB-Dual_Interface_v3.1_MChipAdvance application CB-Dual_Interface_v3.0_VIS1.5.4_VCPS 2.1.2 application CB-Dual_Interface_v3.1_VIS1.5.4_VCPS 2.1.2 application Specification for CB CPACE Dual Interface Cards v3.1 This ICC Check online …

ELITT, official testing laboratory to evaluate CPACE cards and CPACE kernel !

Final Press Release_Issuance of CPACE Cards by BNP Paribas Belgium_January 26 2023 BNP Paribas Fortis selects CPACE for its Bancontact Card application in Belgium The European Cards Payment Cooperation (ECPC) proudly announces the issuance of CPACE cards by BNP Paribas Fortis (BNPPF) in Belgium, after having successfully passed the ECPC Certification. The cards have been developed by G&D and Thales, …

ATS tests for American Express are now available at ELITT !

Our ELITT lab can now perform ATS testing on American Express network. Those tests are available for any POS machine producers and manufacturers that need to update their machines on Amex network. Those tests can be performed for any customer worldwide ! Don’t hesitate to reach us by using our dedicated contact form if you want to know more about …

Calypso tool for BASIC

Calypso Network Association (CNA) issued new specifications by theend of 2020, for a new application called BASIC. These specifications introduce a new Calypso card with the minimum requirements, for the use of this type of contactless card for all public. The tool developed, maintained and sold by ELITT, allows the vendors products to be compliant with these new specifications as …

Launch of CPACE cards : both ELITT lad and the tool are ready

The ECPC specifications published in 2020 for the new CPACE cards are now fully operational, with a tool developed and marketed by ELITT. The Laboratory test service enables the CPACE cards to be validated and to issue a test report which will allow the manufacturer to obtain ECPC certification on his product.  

EMVCo/3DS v2.2 : are you ready ?

We are now ready for EMVCo/3DS version 2.2 with our Atomworks partner. We have validated our capabilities to check the v2.2 logs on ACS and 3DS servers, the platform is updated and the Product Providers can come and test version v2.1 and version v2.2 of the EMVCo Specifications. You can contact us on communication@elitt.com

ELITT and Leti ITSEF congratulate ARIADNEXT for its FIDO Biometric certificate

ELITT, the lab specialist of trusted transactions, and Leti ITSEF the lab expert in IT security are jointly accredited by FIDO Alliance to perform biometrics testing according to the FIDO specifications based on ISO standard ISO19795 and ISO30107. It was the first FIDO accreditation in Europe for biometric component certification. Now, the 2 labs are very proud to announce that …

ELITT is now ready to perform CQM Mastercard testing for v2.19.1

ELITT announces the validation of the test benches for CQM v2.19.1 specifications for card testing. Mastercard has introduced a new release of the CQM specifications this 2020 year. Indeed, the changes of these specifications are quite huge and a complete review of the test plan and the test methods was necessary to be compliant with. Futhermore, the CQM specifications bring …

ELITT performs tests on CardPlus Smart Tachograph Cards


ELITT, the specialist of secured electronic transactions, is proud to work with CardPlus Sweden on the functional test certification of their Smart Tachograph card. Following the implementing regulation of the European Commission for Tachographs and their components (EU 2016/799), ELITT carried out the “Tachograph Cards functional tests” (especially over the “Card Body”, “Module”, “Chip”) on the product called “Driver Cards” …

ELITT is now accredited by EMVCo to perform 3DS testing evaluation

ELITT, the specialist of trusted transactions is now accredited by EMVCo perform 3DS testing according to the EMVCo specifications. ELITT, subsidiary of Cartes Bancaires, works on 3D Secure for a long time, for the French market with the MPADS specifications for CB. Now, this functionality set up to a new level, International one, to provide services for ACS, 3DS Server …