

The first comprehensive range of end-to-end services facilitating pan-European digital payments.

A set of complementary modules covering the whole payment value chain designed for European and worldwide stakeholders (international & domestic schemes, acceptance solutions vendors, card vendors, issuers, terminal vendors, acquirers, merchants, processors and maintainers) looking for simplicity and fluidity.

Jointly developed and operated by Elitt and FrenchSys, both part of EPEC (European Payments Experts Consortium), who put together their expertise in:

  • Standards used in Europe: nexo, CPACE, ATICA, Berlin Group, FR V6, SCC or SCTinst, EMV, PCI, ISO 15408, Common Criteria, ISO 2002…,
  • New payment architectures: EC PSD2 API, payment initiation, lookup services, tokenisation, mobile payments.

EWANT TO KNOW MORE ? CONTACT US gregoire.guetin@elitt.com