
Issuing Bank
  • Verification of CB card personalization

  • Card acceptance test on representative acceptance solutions that are deloyed in France and Belgium

  • Field testing on production card

  • HCE CB and Bancontact Payconiq Mobile Payment Solution Release Agreement

Acquiring Bank
  • Integration tests for OIS 3.2 and NIS 4.0 acquiring solutions

  • OIS 3.2 and NIS 4.0 acquiring tests

  • D-PAS Contact / D-PAS Contactless

  • TCI Contact / TCI Contactless

  • M-TIP Contact / M-Tip Contactless

  • QuickPass Contactless / ICC Contact

  • Level 3

      Card manufacturer - Functional
      • Test Level 1 & Level 2 - AEIPS & Express Pay > Contact / Contactless

      • Card qualification > Interoperability tests for cards

      • Qualification certified on CPACE cards - Cards qualification on application M/Chip Advance / VIS 1.5 - VCPS 2.1 - VCPS 21 - Mobile payment application qualification

      • Test Level 1 and Level 2 : D-PAS > Contact / Contactless

      • Functional qualification tests CPACE & Level 1

      • Test Level 1 > Contact / Contactless

      • Test Level 1 & Level 2 > Contact / Contactless including ECOS

      • Functional tests

      • Card manufacturers - Characterization
        • Physical tests on cards following the v1.4 specifications from April 2021 - v1.5 > The certificate

        • Card body and smart card tests according to the Bancontact specification > Rulebook 4530 - 4530 SCH1 - 4533 - 4534

        • Embedding tests > aspect, thickness, deformation, bending, twisting etc. Support tests > banking attributes, opacity, resistance to the heat, toxicityetc.

        • CQM 2.19.1 tests

        Terminal manufacturers
        • ATS tests

        • Interoperability tests on payment solutions

        • AFAS > anti-fishing / anti-skimming evaluation - Integration verification for CB Solution Integrators - Entry Point tests - Integration tests for Nexo solutions

        • Level 2 Contact Tests

        • certification testing MPE / MPA / MPADS / MPAT > Availability of the test methods

        • OIS 3.2 POI and nis 4.0 tests

        • Level 3 > Quick Pass Contactless / ICC Contact

        • CPACE Kernel tests > ECPC certification

        • Technical assistance > Focus Session - Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 - Development help - Level 2 & 3

        • Rental of a test-acquiring server to run the required integration tests on a certified solution (Nexo, CB2A, CBAE, etc.)

        Mobiles, wearables manufacturers and Mobile payment solutions developers
        • Qualifaction on mobile payment solutions > Interoperability tests on mobile payment applications and wearables

        • Tests Level 1 Contactless

        • Biometric solutions (ISO/IEC 19795 & ISO/IEC 30107) > The certificate

        • Functional HCE

        • HCE CB and Bancontact Payconiq Mobile Payment Solution Release Agreement

        3DS test solutions
        • 3DS Server > V2.2

        • Access Control Server > V2.2

        • Directory Server > V2.2

        • Coming soon